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World Research Union

If you are an industrial researcher or academic researcher or doctoral aspirant or deployed in any category of research & development, then you are in right place. World Research Union believes in uniting researchers across the globe. Networking among research community can lead to expose conventional practices with innovation. Through our intense conferences, participative forums, high ranked publications, research projects etcetera we thrive to connect you with your industry mate. No matter where they are or where you are, we keep our members connected. Join us to stay active in research.

Doctoral candidate

Set yourself empowered to know what’s happening in the field of research. New analytical tools, schedule of Viva Voce, posting your researches and to connect with peers

Research Collaborations

WRU does research in climate change, sustainable energy, job creation, renewable energy, economic growth, poverty reduction and sustainable developmental goals. We welcome institutions / individuals to jointly work with us


Meet professionals and researchers at WRU who are willing to share their expertise and make a significant advancement in your research. Our members are from diversified fields so make use of it by writing to us


Get to know our list of journals where you can publish your research to get a higher visibility among the research community


  • Artificial Intelligence Conference - 2024, Suffolk University, Boston, USA (awaiting confirmation) Register

  • Research on FinOps to optimize Financial Cloud Management is on process. Interested researchers write to tcods@wrunion.org 

”World Research Union gave me a stable platform to get connected with policy-makers in EU. What an amazing experience to be part of these people? splendid.”

- Dr. Clarice Stone, participant of ECODS at Oxford, UK

”I am honored to be part of World Research Union's conference. I get to meet diversified researchers at their conferences.”

- Prof. Dr. Peter Shepherd,  Cambridge Institution,    United Kingdom

World Research Union is determined to engage with diversified research exertions; thus, we have no discrimination between streams or levels of researches. Having said this, one can still assume the magnitude of health-care research compared with social-science researches. Be it any, we see research projects in a singular angle. At the moment, following 43 sectors are covered with our pool of researchers. If you behold any unconventional outcomes from your research in these sectors, reach to us. We are there to bring your work into limelight.

The chart represents our engagement in respective stream with corresponding impressions of research topics involved in it. Nevertheless, we are not confined or limited only to these engagements. Our verticals are focused on enhancing researches and researchers. While connecting researchers is our mission, the by-products of this task have opened gates for several avenues. Take note of our allied and main services

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



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